Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Charles Booth Essay

The social history of 19th century London can only be deduced through the remaining surveys and various documents left from that time period. Charles Booth was an innovative surveyor and social investigator in the late 1800s and formed surveys of the life and labor of the 19th century London population. Charles Booth took initiative to look into the various areas of poverty, but also examined the possible reasons for poverty. Past surveyors did not use accurate methods to create statistics or charts. Most social investigators used observation for their respective purpose. Booth used scientific methods and created better detailed censuses and surveys of London. Booth was the first to make connections and implications of poverty from the areas in which the people lived, living conditions, religious life, and occupation. His methodologies were complex and his conclusions were based upon empirical data. Charles Booth used innovated research methods such as: detailed questionnaires, personal interviews, and visual observations to investigate the cause of poverty. Certain areas in London, for example the East End, were infamously known for its poverty and unfortunate crimes. Many knew only of the conditions in the East End because of authors such as Charles Dickens and George Moore that â€Å"often set their works in poorer parts of town. † The conditions were overly exaggerated and were only representative of a small section of the East End. Inwood describes the situation accurately with his statement, â€Å"how many people lived in squalor and malnutrition was not known, although some writers tried to quantify London poverty, on the basis of inadequate evidence. Mayhew produced many pages of statistics, but most of them referred to the ‘street folk’, beggars, hawkers, scavengers, and entertainers, a tiny proportion of the London poor. † There were other social surveys conducted before Charles Booth started his social investigation, however none were as detailed and representative of the entire London population as Booth. â€Å"Investigative journalist, Henry Mayhew, reported on their interviews with the poor, while a few intrepid social explorers dressed as tramps and experienced at first-hand a night in the casual ward of a workhouse. Nonetheless, there were still no in-depth and comprehensive surveys conducted until Charles Booth. Charles Booth was commissioned by the Lord Mayor of London’s Relief Fund in 1885 to analyze the census responses. Booth felt that the census was disorganized and not an adequate indication of the social problems in London. Therefore, he took it upon himself to fix and reorganize the cen sus. The first meeting was held on April 17, 1886 for the reconstruction of the census. From 1886-1903, Booth continued to use his methodologies to gather data and research the cause of the social problems in London, specifically poverty. Charles Booth studied the integral parts of the city by examining the background information of the citizens of every street in London. He focused his efforts into three main areas: the exploration of poverty, the occupations of Londoners, and the religious influence. Poverty was a major social concern during the Victorian era, as well as a continual struggle with even the most sophisticated societies in the 21st century. Booth found the social problem of poverty an important issue to explore. Poverty maps of Charles Booth were the first color-coded maps during the late 19th century. Booth created a map that encompassed the levels of poverty and wealth with different colors ranging from black to yellow to indicate a specific level of poverty that was placed directly to the London address of the household. There were eight poverty levels labeled A-H; with the lowest class labeled with the letter A and increasing in wealth with the wealthiest class labeled with the letter H. The hierarchal poverty classification system starts at the bottom with letter A and color black, which includes the criminals, street sellers, occasional laborers, and loafers. Letter B is the color dark blue and includes the very poor, casual earners that work no more than 3 days a week, and the persons that are â€Å"mentally, morally, or physically incapable of work. † Letter C includes the persons of â€Å"intermittent earnings† and an income of â€Å"18-21s for a moderate household,† laborers with irregular work,† and the â€Å"poor artisans. Letter D includes the â€Å"small regular earners,† poor, and â€Å"struggle to make ends meet† but are â€Å"decent steady men, paying their way and bringing up their children respectably. Letter C and D are represented by a light blue color and sometimes as purple if grouped with Letter E. Letter E includes the â€Å"regular earners earning 22-30s a week,† wives normally do not take trade, and boys and girls who normally do work. Letter F includes the â€Å"highest paid artisans,† â€Å"high class labor† that makes more than 30s a week. Letter E and F are represented by the color pink. Letter G includes the â€Å"lower middle class† described as â€Å"hardworking sober energetic men. † Letter G is signified by the color red. The wealthiest class, Letter H includes the â€Å"upper middle class† that keep servants. Letter H is represented by the color yellow. All of these poverty levels are placed onto the corresponding street on the map of the household described. In order to make the poverty map, Booth enlists others to help him gather his research. Booth instructed the â€Å"School Board visitors† to visit each individual home with children that were registered with the school district and collect information. The â€Å"School Board visitors† were to collect detailed information on the house address, number of rooms that the family inhabited, rent, occupations’ of the head of the household and the wife, and number of children in the household. Then the â€Å"School Board visitors† were to categorize the household into the poverty level according to the eight levels and then to assign the household to the corresponding color for the map. Due to the number of households in London, it became evident that taking a survey of every household would be too time-consuming. Therefore, a general survey of the street was also taken in addition to a small number of households on the street. The â€Å"School Board visitors† were instructed to write down notes on the street name, surveyed houses and the color associated, street condition, number of children between the ages of 3-13, and the color the street is associated with the poverty map. The end result is a color coded map of the levels of poverty specific from street to street. To inspect the social reasons for poverty, Charles Booth looked into the occupations that various household members held. Charles Booth saw industry as a major contributor to the level of poverty associated with a household. For that reason, he requested surveys and interviewed persons with particular occupations about their personal experiences to gain insight into the possible associations with poverty. Booth broke down the occupations into 18 categories and 89 subcategories with each industry given an occupation survey.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Contemporary Critique on Murasaki Shikibu’s The Tale of Genji Essay

The Heian court and the social structure it provided is a compelling aspect of Japanese history. The 21st century reader is intrigued by such an era and its artistic representations because the general norms, collective conscious, and interpersonal relationships seem to be in clear contrast with the social practices of today. At face value, it appears that Murasaki Shikibu’s discontentment with the aforementioned characteristics of court life manifested itself within the pages of The Tale of Genji. The acclaimed Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov once stated, â€Å"A masterpiece of fiction is an original world and as such is not likely to fit the world of the reader. † Thus, although Murasaki Shikibu’s work is deeply rooted in exposing the pretense associated with Heian court social rank, marriage practices, and feminine submissiveness, she managed to create a world for Genji which tested the limits of his emotional threshold and, by default, relatable with modern/epic protagonists. Moreover, because the modern audience can at times feel sympathetic toward Genji by relating to his emotional range (i. grief through ecstasy) and psychological abnormalities, The Tale of Genji’s status as a timeless masterpiece is merited. Had Genji been a detached lover with no emotional and psychological depth, Murasaki Shikibu’s work and reputation would not have seen the light of day outside of the court she was heavily critiquing. This essay will compare the qualities depicted in The Tale of Genji with other works that are highly regarded as masterpieces while shedding light on the differences which can be seen as a more direct jab at Heian readership. There is a notion in philosophical theory that is used to show that the ‘robber and the robbed’ share a mutual existence dictated by past events. Their meeting, the robbery, is the climax of their distinct lifelong plots. The idea that humans are simply ‘victims of circumstance’ applies directly to Genji as can be seen through his decisions and amorous plight. Through the first few chapters of Murasaki Shikibu’s tale, the audience can infer on the surface that the plot revolves around the development of the protagonist’s Oedipus complex. Upon meeting young Murasaki whose resemblance to Fujitsubo was ‘astonishing’, the author specifies Genji’s yearning for Fujitsubo as the reason he was brought to tears (Murasaki 71). Although inquiries of Genji’s psychological state are not without merit, the bond between Murasaki’s work and Sophocles’ Oedipus the King delves much deeper. The growth and development of Genji’s character and traits do a bit more than clarify his current actions: should one have started reading at the â€Å"Lavender† chapter, it provides an insight to a past riddled with complexity. Through Genji’s dialogues and decisions regarding dilemmas of the heart the readership is given a man who, involved with the particular situations Genji had experienced, would most likely act in a similar fashion to Genji. Every act through Oedipus the King paints a picture for the reader of the power that emotional disposition has over Oedipus and his quests, which is not at all unlike Genji himself. After hearing about the crimes he was to commit, how can a reader not feel sympathetic towards his pursuit for independence from the oracle? In similar fashion to this masterpiece, Murasaki utilized the tool of plot reappearance across characters and time settings to give readership the sense that Genji was predisposed to repeat past deeds. After the death of Genji’s mother, the emperor (Genji’s father), was in mourning and grief and seeking to fill the void left over. After coming across the remarkable beauty of Fujitsubo and in an effort to bring her in, the emperor stated that he would â€Å"treat the girl as one of his daughters† and adding that given Genji’s resemblance to her, she â€Å"could pass for his mother† (Murasaki 22). As previously mentioned, this father-like quality resurfaced in Genji’s admiration for Murasaki. However, a distinct difference is that Genji’s paternal instinct is more or less a fabrication resulting from the impediment, put in place by Murasaki’s nurse, of his unyielding desire to make her his future lover: â€Å"It is you who do not understand. I see how young she is, and I have nothing of the sort in mind. I must again ask you to be witness to the depth and purity of my feelings†¦How can she bear to live in such a lonely place? (Murasaki 95). At this point, one can see the psychological abnormalities developed in Genji which were not corrected by his upbringing; in fact, witnessing his father’s adamant love for this exact model of beauty might have amplified the effect on his behavior. When Oedipus proclaimed the total expulsion of the murderer who was still unknown (practically accepting Jocasta, his mother, as his wife), the knowledge of the f oreseeable future which the readership possessed allowed one to feel the helplessness which Oedipus embodied. Much to the same effect, is the reader supposed to feel that Genji does not have the ability escape fate? One can infer that Murasaki’s response to this is a resounding â€Å"No†. Although the similarities between the two works are many, the major difference lies in two factors: Oedipus’ fate was sealed, and, prior to his emotional endeavor regarding the oracle’s prophecy, he was an exemplary combination of leadership and intelligence which suited a king well. Even though Murasaki gave Genji an emotional depth, she left out the qualities of critical thought and consideration for others. Doing so, Murasaki left Genji at the mercy of his circumstances without his fate being set in stone, and, thus continuing the chauvinistic characteristic of male aristocrats of the time. Through her literary prowess, Murasaki subtly but effectively proclaimed that high rank/position did not equate to intellectual superiority nor did it predetermine that all aristocrats in those positions were fit to rule as can be witnessed by Genji’s preoccupation with his love affairs and not the further betterment of court reputation or intellect. Another ubiquitously renowned masterpiece with similar sexual deviance from its protagonist is Homer’s The Odyssey. Odysseus’ journey to return home to his wife is juxtaposed with temptation by utmost beauty which ultimately leads him to succumb to the latter. In academic circles, the reunion with his wife is seen as one of the most romantic scenes in literary history; yet, there seems to be a lack of uproar regarding his adventures with Calypso and Circe. On the other hand (with critical awareness of the social norms of the time), Genji is met with great disdain by the general audience. In comparison to The Tale of Genji, the similarity lies with the degree of sympathy the protagonists evoke more so than the actual plot: although both characters had multiple extramarital affairs, does Odysseus’ long term physical displacement conjure up a greater forgiveness from the readership s oppose to Genji’s emotional dissatisfaction with his current state of affairs? The fact that Murasaki’s work, more specifically her protagonist Genji, is able to invoke an amount of emotional response from contemporary audiences comparable to that of The Odyssey without relying on 20 years of desolation from its main character in itself should merit the reputation it has received. In regards to the previously mentioned question, Murasaki would probably be displeased with Odysseus’ affairs. Although universally accepted justification would never be reached, his unfading love for Penelope goes without question. The major difference between the two protagonists lies in their response to utmost beauty. Facing Calypso, Odysseus admits that she is far more beautiful than his wife who is a mere mortal, but that he â€Å"pines† all his days to see his return to her (Lawall et. al 265). Genji, on the other hand, falls ‘prey to the female’. Murasaki’s commentary on relationships lies in the deliberate absence of discernment in Genji and his state of being out of touch with reality. Moreover, his narrow focus on beauty does not allow him to see the combination of flaws and qualities that all women possess; thus, his longing for the specific mold of beauty he yearns for seen in the beginning of Murasaki’s work holds no merit and thus, true sympathy fails to reach Genji’s amorous quest. This notion is exemplified by Murasaki’s narration describing Fujitsubo’s beauty: â€Å"There was no one else quite like her. In that fact was his undoing: he would be less a prey to longing if he could find in her even a trace of the ordinary† (Murasaki 86). Furthermore, Murasaki leaves no indication that Genji exhausted all possibilities in an attempt to make love work with Aoi (or even Rokujo); this would at least add some credibility to his dissatisfaction with them. Instead, he utilizes their unfavorable idiosyncrasies as further incentive for his extramarital adventures. Murasaki expresses her own dissatisfaction with marriage practices/relationships, in essence, by making the case that male aristocrats at court lack the judgment and intellect (which is supposed to be innate to them given the hierarchal structure of the society at the time) to fully comprehend and appreciate the complexity of women and lack the consideration to take into account that their actions affect not only hemselves. All in all, the clearest insight to Murasaki’s critique of Heian structure, rank, and interpersonal outlook comes directly from Genji and it sounds as if Murasaki implied to state the true intentions of Heian male aristocrats: â€Å"I am weak and indecisive by nature myself, and a woman who is quiet and withdrawn and follows the wishes of a man even to the point of letting herself be used has much the greater appeal. A man can shape and mold her as he wishes, and becomes fonder of her all the while† (Murasaki 62). Lastly, Heian era Japan was not the only male dominated civilization and this type of society has not yet disappeared. The fact that one can use the same critiques Murasaki masterfully made about Heian court to dispute manifestations of chauvinism in certain aspects of society today solidifies The Tale of Genji as a masterpiece which stood the test of time.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Study on Merger of Two Competing Hospitals

On Merger of Two Competing Hospitals - Case Study Example It is argued that, consolidated hospitals have significance performances benefits compared to independent hospitals. Managerial and medical benefits are realized via various means. This are such as, care comprehensiveness, quality, economies, administrative and accessibility power (Hsieh et al., 2011). Thus, the consolidation of Banner Regional Medical Center and Porter Regional Medical Center would be of advantage to the community people. The board at fore most needs to advertise the posts for new executives. Individuals competent for the post need to email their resumes. The next step is for the board to hire a consulting firm for purposes of reviewing the resumes and performances of the applicants. Finally, the qualified applicants get the position and become part of the consolidation. Given the embedded diversity cultures of the merged organizations, the management team needs to do the following in order to enhance the new organization working culture. Employees should be made to understand that, attacking of diversity issues with powerful force is not ethical. Those who do that, think its imperative to take a strategic action. In addition to that, understanding of diversity at work force does not trigger any changes that are major in practices of management. Therefore, for the success of the merged organizations, each and everyone should be considered in decision making. In that case, policy designing, decision making and management procedures should not be left to corporate officers. On the contrary, all the organization shareholders should take part in the development of organization missions, objectives, rules and regulations (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2011). In the moments of consolidation, the companies’ physical structures should either be renovated or sold to get funds to build new and modernized facilities. The old and dilapidated

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Current Obama Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Current Obama Administration - Essay Example Alinksy believed that the people he was working with had no power in the community, but he sought to make that community heard. [Alinsky] believed that widespread poverty left America open to the influence of demagogues and that the only antidote was active, widespread participation in the political process†¦[he] envisioned an ‘organization of organizations,’ comprised of all sectors of the community...† In fact, many of the people he worked with felt like they had no say in their own lives, and as a result some turned to crime. â€Å"[Alinsky] realize[d] that criminal behavior was a symptom of poverty and powerlessness.† Alinsky believed in empowerment of the people, and the Have-Nots desperately needed someone who would step up to the plate for them and plead their case. â€Å"Alinsky considered himself a realist above all, the ultimate pragmatist†¦[he] had no qualms about assorted versions of morality in the pursuit of worldly power. He didn't coddle his radical acolytes or encourage their bourgeois distinctions between good and evil when it came to transferring power from the Haves to the Have-Nots.† Alinsky claimed that making the opposition live up to their own standards was something that would trip up the opposition every time, because the other could not live up to its promises in a political showdown. Saul Alinsky said, "Make the enemy live up to his/her own book of rules. You can kill them with this. They can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity." The Obama Administration would do well to fight fire with fire, especially on the topic of the health care reform debate. There are about 40 million Americans who have no say when it comes to facing big insurance companies, and therefore are uninsured. If Obama and his Administration held the Republicans' feet to the fire, and really extracted from them that what they did not want was tort reform-but for people to continue going on without health insurance-the dark underbelly of Republican politics would certainly be shown. The Republicans would then be beaten by their own game. The people Saul Alinsky chose to organize were people who had no relative value. "[Alinsky] recruited and guided indigenous leaders who identified common interests that brought together previously hostile ethnic groups of Serbs and Croatians, Czechs and Slovaks, Poles and Lithuanians into a large organization, the Back of The Yards Neighborhood Council."7 The Obama Administration, likewise, has done well to hire a bunch of people from different backgrounds. They should still continue this policy. Saul Alinsky commented, "One of the criteria for picking the target is the target's vulnerability ... the other important point in the choosing of a target is that it must be a personification, not something general and abstract."8 The Obama Administration must focus on the vulnerable points of the Republican Party. If one msut choose the topic of health care, the main sticking points that will keep the Democrats in power-as one is sure this is a factor Obama wants to have a successful presidency-is to expose the Republicans' "can't-do" attitude, obstructionist politics, and misguided, misinformed, and idiotic notions. "An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Masks Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Masks - Term Paper Example This paper will get to review some of the reasons why people wear masks. Also, if it is something they want to do or want to stop doing. There are different individuals in the world. Some have been identified as the best while others not so much. There is the illusion that having friends is better than being alone. This may not be entirely true. When people find people to be around, they claim an undying friendship for each other. Very few people can identify themselves as having true or real friends. This is true wherever research may be carried out about this topic. When faced with problems, it is very easy to identify the real friends from the fake friends. Helping someone that may be headed in the wrong direction could make them feel wanted and cared for (Nutt, King, Saulsbury & Blakemore, p. 25). Having a friend with problems also comes with the territory. A friend may have problems depending on the way they are used to living. Drugs could be a very big problem if not taken care of at the earliest stage. The question many people may ask them is why they do it. The may not have a clear, concise answer for this. They might claim the feeling that comes with such way of living is comforting. What is the use of ‘good feelings’ whenever the use these drugs while bring health complications to one’s life? It is not worth the risk. One should rather be happy and live longer (Nutt, King, Saulsbury & Blakemore, p. 32). These are the types of masks that are present in society today. This mask is acquired at a very tender age. Usually people grow up thinking that life will be all that they thought of. This, they later come to find out, is not the case. When things do not go their way, they resort to such habits. There are many people in life that do not get to see some of the best things that life has to offer. This is because they

International Marketing Strategy (Entry Mode) for Chinese Household Dissertation

International Marketing Strategy (Entry Mode) for Chinese Household Electric Appliance Enterprises into the UK Market - Dissertation Example Add into the mix a market on another continent, in a different language group, various political system, and a changing business culture and the process of successfully navigating the waters can be difficult indeed. In order for international companies to stay successful in today’s quickly changing and increasingly global business community, it is important to constantly be innovating and looking for viable expansion opportunities when they present themselves. The People’s Republic of China has countless small and medium sized companies that are well situated to move into global markets. Many of the industries are firmly rooted in the manufacture and sale of household appliances. A growing market for such appliances has been realized in the region of the United Kingdom. Expansion into the United Kingdom does not come without perceived risks. This study first looks at the market conditions that need to be evident before a Chinese firm can realistically explore moving int o the United Kingdom. The project also examines the unique nature of business in the UK and how those differences need to be accommodated by the Chinese company looking to expand. In the end, the study looks at the three main entry modes into a new international market, highlight the positive and negative aspects of each, in an effort to determine which might be best suited to the small and medium sized Chinese appliance company. The theory of cultural distance is also explored to determine how Chinese companies can best minimize the great divide that currently exists between the two companies. Since we know that cultural distance increases risk, an analysis is needed to determine just how much risk a given firm is willing to accept. In addition, various options for entry need to first be explored in order to narrow the cultural distance currently in existence. In the end, a primary objective of this project was to conduct actual field research by contacting various Chinese firms ei ther interested in the UK market or they are already conducting business there. Advice and insight was solicited about how small and medium sized Chinese appliance companies should best explore future expansion into the United Kingdom. What follows is a synopsis of these findings. 1. Introduction International business, by its very nature, is a complex and difficult landscape to navigate. Various legalities exist that certainly provide a barrier to entry into many markets. While it is certainly feasible, many companies struggle to justify the time, expense, and expertise to successfully enter into a new market and to be financially prudent at the same time. China is obviously an international manufacturing powerhouse, making nearly every type of conceivable product available on the market today. Domestic consumption alone, however, can only carry an economy the size of China so far. It is prudent to explore international markets and to make a successful entry into various product ca tegories and often and seamlessly as possible. China has long been known for its household

Friday, July 26, 2019

Obvious Solution to a Problem in the Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Obvious Solution to a Problem in the Work - Essay Example During my employment in Science lab a chemist, I was a member of a research that required collecting and evaluating a considerable total of information pertaining to the human mind as we were attempting to create a vaccine. We were so mixed up at that time because all my further experiments depend upon that result and then we began to guess about it. We reprised the whole experiment again just to attain certain that there is no human error in our stamping ground and we had to manage the analysis again which may forbid it. Â  And so it got very clear that a dissimilar case of analysis would have been more pertinent to the problem and would have given results that supported our theory. We changed the regression technique within the model and re-ran the data. I would have concentrated mainly on the robustness of the information we accumulated and then progress to a correct analysis on which our whole research depended.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 7

European Union Law - Essay Example This paper takes a stand that for the EU to achieve success in meeting its objectives, its laws and directives have to be supreme over the laws and directives of member states. The principles of the supremacy of the EU denote that, the laws of the European Union are supreme when compared to the laws of the member states. The European Court of Justice introduced this doctrine in 1964, however, to date; it is still controversial with some states arguing against its adoption. This is because of the concept of sovereignty, which allows member states to have a right of determining their laws, without influence from foreign powers. However, there are a number of reasons given, in support of the principles of the EU law2. One of these principles is that, there would be uneven application of laws, if this principle does not exist. This is unacceptable within the European Union, mainly because it has the capability of threatening and compromising the legal system of the European Union. Another reason is based on the doctrines of the direct effect which was created by the European Union Court of Justice. This doctrine denotes that certain provisions of the European Laws are directly applicable to the national laws of member states, without any other enactments3. This is beneficial to the member states, mainly because it creates uniformity in the application of laws, hence promoting the objectives and mission of the European Union. The concept or principle of the EU supremacy has never been expressly identified in any of the treaties that form the European Union. This concept was developed by the European Court of Justice through a series of very important rulings and judgments. However, the most important case responsible for introducing this concept of supremacy of EU laws is the case of Costa vs. ENEL4. According to this case, the judges denoted that a directly applicable, secondary or primary European law will prevail

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Case Study Verizon and Disney Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Verizon and Disney - Case Study Example The customers are also complaining of the high ticket prices. The customers have been experiencing these issues and because of this, they are not likely to visit the park again. The internal management itself are experiencing major issues. These issues are affected and caused by the increasing external problems. First, the Walt Disney Company is experiencing a sliding attendance figures. Their revenues are decreasing. The lower hotel occupancy rates and decline in attendance add up to their problems. And lastly, Walt Disney’s capital expenditure is down. Solutions: The goal of the company is to more with less. Walt Disney Co. CIO Roger Berry, has been helping to create a cutting-edge technology strategy. This is to restore luster of aging brand and increase efficiencies and boost attendance. The company is going to introduce IT Convergence such as use of global satellites, smart sensors, wireless technology and mobile devices. Walt Disney wanted to promote a more personalized environment with IT at the core. The most visible manifestation of the strategy implemented is the 10 ? inch tall stuffed doll, the Pal Mickey. He is the virtual tour guide powered by sensors. The idea of this is to give the park goers up to the minute information to preset preferences. The company also wants to make data accessible across all lines of business. Another initiative of Walt Disney is the destination web site called the Magical Gathering. The intention is to boost new revenues and group business bookings. The company also is looking to expand digital imaging and let the visitors staying at a Disney hotel use their room television sets to review and buy photographs taken of them on rides during the day. Berry also says the resort is looking to improve Fastpass. The company wants to have a service that allows visitors to schedule ride times to avoid long lines. RESULT: The introduction of the initiatives is getting positive feedbacks from the business analysts. By introd ucing these strategies, Walt Disney is being able to cut their expenses. They are promoting more services for no increase in expenses. By having more digitalized and personalized environment, they will surely attract more visitors. If the line issues, crowd, and ticket prices are resolved, surely the customers will be more than happy to visit the place again. Reference: D’Agostino, Debra. Case Study: Walt Disney World Resorts and CRM Strategy, (2004). Web. 23 April 2011 CASE STUDY: VERIZON Problems: Two of the Fortune Companies are going to merge. However, they are having issues enhancing an ambitious enterprise CRM program. They are preparing for the enhancement of company’s customer focus and their new brand. Both GTE and Bell Atlantic had decent CRM visions. But GTE obliged to an outdated technology platform. Bell Atlantic has a different set of issues. Bell Atlantic has a surfeit of single purpose, application centric systems. The company executives themselves are hesitant of the new CRM initiatives because they think it would be too costly and not sustainable. The Vice President for the Database Marketing for Verizon, Leonard, is having a hard time introducing this new initiative because it would mean beginning from the start or ground zero. There will be a shift from a product focus to customer focus program. This means instilling a new sense of cultural urgency. Thus, he is stuck to a great dilemma: whether to go for a broke or launch a bona fide business driven CRM. And this would

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Reflection using Gibbs model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Reflection using Gibbs model - Essay Example Moreover, with the assistance of reflection practice, healthcare workers will be facilitated with the opportunity of enhancing care quality and developing professional and the personal traits (DHB, 2013; White & et. al., 2012). The Gibbs model is a recognised as a ‘model of reflection’ used by healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals with the assistance of Gibbs model are able to have a clear and concise understanding about their experiences and practices. The Gibbs model comprises six stages which include description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. On the basis of Gibbs model, healthcare professionals are able to identify their optimistic and the pessimistic aspects and develop problem-solving capabilities. Additionally, the model will assist in building their confidence and thought process, so that healthcare professionals are able to execute care and treatment activities ethically incorporating the current practices. It is usually a process on the basis of which healthcare professionals are able to ascertain their experiences with the aim of obtaining insights in relation to their practices and current practices (Finlay, 2008). The paper will emphasize on the model of reflection initiated by Graham Gibbs with the intention of assisting healthcare professionals in having better assessment of their activities so that healthcare professionals can enhance their competencies in offering care and treatment in an ethical as well as professional manner. The study will be a reflection of the activities, which have led me to a trouble being a registered nurse. Gibbs Model The reflective cycle of the Gibbs model is an important approach towards reflection. The six stages of the model assist in developing self-refection questions with the objective of identifying the loopholes by assessing personal experiences and practices (Queen Margaret University, 2013). Gibbs Model of Reflection Source: (Queen Margaret University, 2013) Stage 1: Description I was working in a healthcare facility in the community as a registered staff nurse. I work in a competent and effective manner with the objective of providing adequate care and treatment to patients appropriately. Additionally, I used to seek that I am able to offer care on the basis of the needs of the patients. I provide care and treatment in accordance with current practices and standards as recognised by the medical facility and council. I was assigned with the task of visiting a patient for wound dressing. In this context, on visiting the patient, I gave the patient my phone number to contact m e personally in future for any problem in relation to her wound. This incident is considered as an unethical practice in my professional boundary. Moreover, there is another incident where I was on a sick leave but I planned to work for another medical agency during my leave period as I was under financial pressure for my family. This incident was determined as a dishonest practice on the ground of my profession. On the basis of these two incidents ‘Nursing and Midwifery Council’ (NMC) has suspended me and I was offered with training services in relation to professional boundary in nursing. The NMC has developed set of practices and standards on the basis of, which education standards, the register, the code and fitness to practice are to be adhered. These

Monday, July 22, 2019

Apple Mission Statement Essay Example for Free

Apple Mission Statement Essay Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices. When shoppers sleep outside of stores just to be one of the first to buy an iPhone, its obvious that Apple Inc. is a company that enjoys fanatical brand loyalty. However, this brand success is not a result of dumb luck or forces beyond Apples control; its part of a well-thought-out plan to deliver strong products and to create an Apple culture. Find out more about these and other strategies that Apple employs to achieve its tremendous customer loyalty. A Store Just for Apple: Apple has historically been troubled by big-box sales staffers who are ill-informed about its products, a problem that made it difficult for Apple to set its very different products apart from the rest of the computing crowd. By creating a store strictly devoted to Apple products, the company has not only eliminated this problem but has made an excellent customer-loyalty move. Apple stores are a friendly place where Mac and PC users alike are encouraged to play with and explore the technology that the company offers. This is a space where Macheads can not only get service but also hang out with others who enjoy Apple products just as much as they do. By creating this space, Apple encourages current and new customers to get excited about what it has to offer. Complete Solutions: Apples products complement and complete each other. Buy an iPod, and you can download music via iTunes. For the average user, most Mac programs are produced by Apple. This sort of control over the entire user process, from hardware to software, strengthens customer loyalty. Apple users generally dont have to stray to find products and solutions they want. Are You a Mac? : Lets face it, Apple is a hip brand. It pushes a strong identification with everything young, up-to-the-minute and smart. Consider Apples Im a Mac campaign. The Mac guy is smooth and confident, while PC appears uptight and old. Once youve become smooth, would you want to go back to uptight? Varied Products: Many consumers may not be ready to buy an Apple computer, but theyre willing to give gadgets like the iPod or iPhone a try. By selling products with lower entry costs, t creates an opportunity for new users to be introduced to Apple. If these users enjoy their gadgets, theyre more likely to consider buying an Apple computer in the future. Media Fodder: Media outlets, especially bloggers, love to write about Apple. Why? Because Apple makes it so easy. With leaked rumors about new developments, its very own expo and mysterious shutdowns of its online store, Apple gift wraps news stories that are just begging for speculation and hype. By perpetuating this cycle of media frenzy, Apple keeps its customers excited about buying new Apple products now and in the future. Education Sales: By selling its products to schools and universities, Apple turns classrooms into showrooms. If students go through school using Apple products, they become comfortable with the interface and familiar with the superior performance the brand offers. By creating this early exposure, Apple captures customers before they even know that they are customers. Products That Deliver: Apple carefully considers what consumers are looking for, so its products are a result of both extensive research and strong design. This meticulous planning is a large contributor to Apples high customer-satisfaction rates. Its plain and simple: Robust and easy-to-use products not only make your customers happy, but also make them want to buy more products from you in the future. Outsourcing Unpleasantness: With Apple products, the average consumers interaction with the company is likely to be low. Unless something goes wrong, you dont have any reason to speak with an Apple customer-service representative. Of course, the iPhone presented an opportunity that could have made Apple much more involved, similar to administering iTunes for the iPod. With a phone, interaction becomes multifaceted. You have to consider billing errors, quality of wireless service, contracts and a number of other factors that often lead to customer frustration. With the iPhone, Apple was wise to stick with building a good product and letting ATT handle the service. Consistency: All of Apples products have the same basic architecture. Because of this consistency, customers who already own Apple products have a good idea of what theyll be getting before they make a purchase. They know that it will be easy to adapt to new hardware, and this makes them more open to making a repeat purchase. New Innovations: Although the architecture of Apple products is consistent, its portfolio is not. The company offers consumers a number of different ways to enjoy its products. By giving customers an opportunity to employ Apple in their living rooms, pockets and offices, Apple makes it easy to stay loyal to a brand they already like. Attractiveness: From packaging to aesthetic design to user-interface experience, Apple makes its products accessible and attractive. Bright colors, a smiling icon and slick-looking hardware remind customers every time they use Apple products that what Apple offers is appealing.

Alcohol as an acceptable adjunct for occasions in our society Essay Example for Free

Alcohol as an acceptable adjunct for occasions in our society Essay There are approximately 50% or 126 million of Americans whom are past month alcohol drinkers, or also known as current drinkers. Also, approximately 23% or 55 million of Americans binge drink, and 6.6% or 16 million Americans reported heavy drinking. The estimated spending for healthcare services to treat alcohol problems, and its medical consequences of alcohol is 18.8 billion dollars a year. Alcohol is also officially linked to at least over half of all highway fatalities. To date, alcohol has been tried by 41% of 8th graders, 63% of 10th graders, 75% of 12th graders, and 87% of college students. Also there was an estimated 82 billion dollars lost in potential productivity due to alcohol and other drug use. We all know that alcohol is offered almost everywhere we go. At parties, in bars, in clubs, in stores, and restaurants. People consume alcohol for every occasion they can think of, or just to make their problems go away and to make them feel better, even though it is just for a limited amount of time. We all know what alcohol does, and can do. Why do we always chose alcohol at a party, in a bar, at a restaurant, or in a store? People can have fun without it. Alcohol is used to socialize better, but why cant people socialize without it? Why is alcohol used as an acceptable, unnecessary addition to celebrations such as parties, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries, and as a way of relaxing and relieving stress and anxiety? People know what alcohol is about but yet continue drinking massively into more disasters. Reference: Drugs and Society Tenth Edition Chapter 8 p.182-191, U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health People use alcoholic beverages to enjoy while chatting with friends. Thinking about the effects of alcohol on the health of a person using it is never apparent. The holidays are the time when alcoholic beverages are mostly abused of which includes parties and small gatherings of friends and families. In this case, the people responsible in that activity such as hosts and party organizers must think of the safety of every drinking pattern. Any risky of harmful pattern must be regulated and prevented. I am not saying that it is acceptable to use alcohol during parties. What I am trying to say is that when drinking alcoholic beverages cannot be prevented during holidays, proper caution must be used in doing so to prevent untoward incidents.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Government Ever Limit Freedom Of Speech Essay

Government Ever Limit Freedom Of Speech Essay Governments have an obligation to regulate the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a right that is limitless to the people unless Governments introduce legislations that are passed to limit freedom of speech to prevent acts of verbal violence, which include racial discrimination, discrimination of minority groups and various forms of hate speech to minority groups. There have been various examples of freedom of speech being too limitless to the people, causing unwanted violence. Though it is an essential part of governing the people, to let them express especially in a democratic society. The freedom of speech and expression is limited due to the violence caused by it and is therefore limited by laws that enable the peoples speech to be limited and reduced in harm and offence. Representative democracy is much more ideal in leading the people, instead of the people leading the people. The majority can cause havoc at times. Freedom of speech is limited to the fact that a Representa tive Democracy is usually ideal. In some circumstances, voting is permitted for certain laws, also called a referendum. However, though Freedom of speech may have many negative impacts on todays society, it has also helped society grow in better ways to help prosper into the future. Freedom of speech is sustained and regulated to the point where it has been altered to try and prevent and reduce verbal violence and abuse. These alterations have benefited society in restricting their expression to harm others. It is asked at timesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ What type of speech, if any cause harm? (Mill, 2008). It may not be evident through speech but evident through the actions taken by the group of others to destroy the speaker. An example would be from a Dutch Film Maker, Theo Van Gogh who was stabbed to death after producing a movie that criticized the Islams. (Tunehag 2011, p.77). This is very alarming, freedom of speech can lead to ones death depending on ones speech. In some cases, Christmas is often removed or renamed to not offend Muslims, in this, the heart of the people is ideally recognized and laws that protect race and religion (Racial and Religious Hatred Acts) come into play. The way we perceive someones speech may differ from others perceived hearing of it and the idea that other people may or may not take offense to it is a factor in trying to modify and renew Freedom of speech. It is hard to interpret if someone is offended by what is said. Actions speak louder than words is what can be used to interpret whether or not the hearer is offended and whether actions will speak louder than what the speaker has said. Freedom of speech is contradictory to the fact that what can be said by the speaker can be offensive, but the hearer can also offend the speaker if the path is chosen by the hearer. Engaging with the issue of limiting Freedom of speech is important to concerning many minority groups. Ideally they are more subjected to discrimination due to social norms placed by society. Minority groups are protected by laws such as Anti-Vilification and Hate Speech Laws. These laws not only protect minority groups, but also protect social relations with other cultures and groups. Freedom of speech is a given right, but limitations is a must to prevent damage to society with the introductions of laws and acts. Freedom of speech is the foundation of a democratic society; it allows us to express our own views and helps us to express freedom of the press, rights to open political debate, freedom to manifest religious beliefs, freedom of expression in art and music, etc. (Tunehag 2011, p.77). As it is a foundation of a democratic society, there must be limitations to the law as the full freedom of speech can lead to harm, offence and hate. The peoples say is limited through laws. These laws include such laws as Anti-vilification laws in Australia which prevents hatred or prejudice towards a person, group of people on a specified ground (Gelber 2011, p. 83). This reduces racism or discrimination against minorities labelled from the public and is an escape from the label of a minority. In the UK, the Racial and Religious Hatred Act was passed after being rectified i n 2006, making any incitement of religious hatred an offenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Smits 2009, p. 155). Limitations on speech are purely defined by what the Government believes might harm the Government or the people itself'(Wallace, 1989, p.506). As governments later realized the danger of not limiting freedom of speech during the war effort, Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 were passed during World War 1. During this time, some speech may have affected with the war effort. These acts helped limit the freedom of speech during the war effort. Some countries such as Britain and France have severe restrictions on freedom of speech due to their concern of national security. Other countries such as Denmark have less concern, though many Western Nations follow strict restrictions. To this notion of restrictions, it follows how Democracies are predominantly Representative Democracies where the people vote on an expert leader in Political events to decide for them/the people. Freedom of speech is a given right to the people, in a democracy, the people are able to voice their opinion, though a Representative democracy is much intended. Letting the experts decide in their own field of politics is much safer than the people deciding for the people. A country such as Australia is run by a Representative democracy, where there are free elections, which gives the people a chance to choose their leaders and express their opinions on issues (Harvard 1989, p. 127). The representative is more aware of laws than the people itself, making the representative fully aware of the freedom of speech right and laws that alter its right. To this advantage; the representatives have the ability to modify the right through the passing of legislations through multiparty systems. Democratic societies pursue to promise their citizens certain freedoms, including freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom of speech (Harvard 1989, p. 126). Most of these freedoms are limite d, just like the Freedom of speech has its own limitations in the public usage. In a Democracy, the Majority will always rule. But the majority cannot take away the rights of other people; these consist of the basic freedom of speech, press, assembly and religious worship. By no means can the majority strip the rights of the minority to become the majority by legal means (Harvard 1989, p. 127). This set guideline for a majority rule is important as Democracy ensures that citizens are endowed with personal liberties and rights and no government can remove or weaken them and freedom of citizens to associate together within civil society (Woodward, 2010, p. 9). This ensures every citizen under democratic rule is equal to every citizen around them. Representative Democracy has ensured the limitation of freedom of speech by the experts in the field, ensuring that the majority cannot strip the rights of others. It has also shown the true potential of these limitations and the right itself , Freedom of Speech. Nevertheless, even with its negatives aspects, it is a right that has great significance in society, allowing people to express their true opinions and values. This allows great expression from various people which can show true potential in fluent and influential speech. This is shown through many who have sought to believe what is right and challenge laws and fight for what they may believe is right. Some people may abuse the right by resulting into racism or discrimination against minority groups, but ideally, it helps share ideas between people and helps to nurture social relationships and social unity. The Act also helps with social evolution as the human race thrives as social beings. The Government should be limiting the Freedom of Speech but to the extent where individuals are able to still foster creativity and promote their identity and individuality to which their expression as a right will not be revoked unless harmed or verbally harmed against others. These restrictions in the recent years have not stopped individuality. Absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on all subjects (Mill, 1978, p. 11) is what supports the Freedom of speech in a beneficial manner. The most beneficial of freedom of speech is that everyone has their own say. No one is detached by the right, everyone is entitled to it. The restrictions put on the right are only to reduce the harm that others may inflict on groups of people. The right has done more good than harm, though it is not an excuse to try and reduce the damage being caused. The Freedom of speech act has proven to be a debatable argument on whether or not the act itself should be limited by Governments. It should be safely said that the limiting of the Freedom of Speech has clearly reduced verbal violence such as hate speech, racism, hatred against religion etc. across the spectrum. With these reductions, the true nature of Freedom of Speech can truly be witnessed. Acts and Laws that reduce that limit the act also play a huge role in maintaining social relations between groups. The nature of Freedom of speech had given too much power to the people. We can see now how the introduction of new legislations that these powers have been reduced. As the Freedom of Speech continues to be a given right, there may be more restrictions put on to it to better suit the publics need and to reduce the harm caused by the speech by the people. By this, the future is seeking to be positive as the right can be used in the proper manner that it was intended to be used for.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

SMS Advertising :: Business, Marketing

In past few years, SMS has a remarkable increasing involvement in marketing practice, it has been used with other traditional media, such as print advertising, television commercial or other broadcasting, to strengthen the efficiency of the campaign (Zhang and Mao, 2008). It was claimed that SMS itself enables to enlarge the campaign’s reach and effectiveness because of ability of interactive to create viral effect. Wohlfahrt (2002) explained that when receivers receive message, they then forward to further other people in their contact list, and it has been proven by Kroeber-Riel and Weinberg (2003) that those messages delivered by familiar senders were seen in more trustworthy than those sent from advertisers directly. In marketer’s perspective, messaging help increasing the rate of interaction from the receivers, because advertising with financial offers or promotion, will be sent to the consumers when they are actually shopping (Zoller et al, 2001). Plus, SMS itself allow the sender and receive interact immediately, so that mobile advertising will yield a direct and rapid response from the consumers (Boonmark, 2006). Moreover, mobile phones are ubiquity and convenience because they are very personal, and always kept within 1 meter of user’s body during the day time (Sirivastava 2004 and Haghirian et al., 2008). Therefore, SMS advertising allow marketer to reach consumers virtually any time and anywhere via their mobile devices (Boonmark, 2006). It helps marketer become closer to the consumer as mobile phone is communication which is a part of consumer’s daily lives (Forrester report, 2001). So that, information sent to mobile devices also tends to capture high attention from receivers because information is read completely and immediately after receipt. (Barwise and Strong 2002). SMS is also low cost medium compared to other type of direct marketing (e.g. telephone marketing, email marketing, direct mail) (Dickinder et al., 2004). SMS can capture tens of thousands consumer with a low budget compared (Leppanieni and Karjaluoto, 2005) There is variety of way which SMS has been used as a medium. Because SMS provide diversity of response capabilities such as message based responses, call based response, and mobile web landing page response (See Appendix D, MMA, 2009b), SMS is exercised to request for phone’s users engagement (Dickinder et al., 2004). To illustrate, SMS will be sent with the hyperlink allowing phone users to click to make a call (or click) to buy, to download, to vote, to contest or to win a prize. Boonmark’s studies (2006) found that messages were sent out with different kind of appeal, such as rewards, loves, and emotional appeal.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life Essay

As I first entered the class of Negotiation: Theory and Practice, I realized that this class would be something that I would remember. The course has initiated my mind to multilevel thinking while negotiating. When reading the book â€Å"Getting More† by Diamond (2010), I really could relate with many of his examples of negotiating. Engaging with the literature and having classroom experiences sparked my interest in the subject of negotiation. The one example with the apartment building and the mouse problem is relatable since I am dealing with the situation with my apartment complex. I look back at the methods I have tried to get the mouse problem solved but none have been successful for over two months. Using the method of painting a clear picture to the other party created a picture in the other person’s mind. The method actually worked by gathering information and educating my apartment complex on diseases carried by mice. People negotiate everyday regarding thing s in different situations. Contrary to the classroom literature, Diamond (2010) suggest not to relationships, interest, win-win outcomes just because a person thinks it’s an effective tool. His teaching and literature focuses on reaching and meeting your goals in negotiations. Reviewing the twelve major strategies it did give a different perspective on how I viewed negotiations. The model explained how to get the best out of your goals and objectives. Kolb and Williams (2001) suggest that negotiation is a science created to allow all winners an approach of deal making. Relationships Diamond (2010) also critiques relationship between two parties and putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. By doing this it lets you feel what the other person may feel before... ...s important of help get a feel of the appropriate gestures to use in negotiations. Diamond not only provides insight into some of his student’s greatest triumphs, but does in a humble, human, and relatable way that shows remarkable self reflections and understanding of negotiations. Works Cited Fisher, R., Ury, W., & Patton, P. (2011). Getting to yes Negotiation agreement without giving in 3rd. New York: Penguin Books. Dawson, R. (2007). Secrets of Power Negotiating. Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases. 5. In Lewicki, R. et. al. New York: McGraw-Hill, Irwin. 98-108. Diamond, R. (2010). Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life. New York: Crown Business. Kolb, D. & Williams, J. (2007). Breakthrough Bargaining. Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases. 5, In Lewicki, R. et. al. New York: McGraw-Hill, Irwin. 206-214.

The People and Landscape of the Welsh Hillcountry :: R.S. Thomas Poems Poetry Essays

The People and Landscape of the Welsh Hillcountry R.S. Thomas writes about the people and landscape of the Welsh â€Å"hillcountry.† By referring closely to at least two of his poems, show how he makes the Welsh countryside and its inhabitants vivid to the reader. RS Thomas was born in Cardiff in 1913. He was a Parish Priest in Wales for more than 20 years. During this time he taught himself the Welsh language in order to understand the remote hill farmers that are under his care. He writes almost exclusively about the people and landscape of the Welsh hill country. The poems that he writes are lacking in mental emotion but they never lack tender or compassion for the massively hardworking farmers he knows so well. The landscape that Thomas describes so well reflects the grimness of the men’s lives. The people’s lives are never sweetened nor romanticized and the poet has no illusions on its harshness. Yet he has a deep understanding for the hill country and its workers. This shows that R.S Thomas can relate to the Welsh hill country very well. The first poem that I am writing about is called â€Å"The Hill Farmer Speaks†. This poem talks about the life of a farmer who has been greatly affected by his work. The first verse of this poem talks about a man who has no love and no friends. This we learn is because of the land as it says, â€Å"I am the farmer stripped of love and thought and grace by the lands hardness.† This shows the hard work that the man has done over the years has taken from him his love, thought and grace it is also a metaphor making this vivid for the reader. But he wants us to know that he is still a human by saying, â€Å"Listen, listen, I am a man like you.† Alliteration is used here (listen, listen), to cause the affect that the man really is talking to you. The same affect is caused when he says, â€Å"But what I am saying.† It shows you that the mans surroundings are very empty and hostile by it saying, â€Å"Desolate areas rough with dew.† This is also a metaphor showing its vividness to the reader. The second verse of this poem tells us of the wind going over the hill pastures, hill pastures being a feature of any hill farm. After this he says, â€Å"Year after year,† making this process seem constant. In the next three lines there seems to be a link between the ewes and the farmer, where it says, â€Å"The ewes starve, milkless, for want of the new

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Strategic Audit Report of Apple

apex [pic] CHAPTER ONE Introduction Part 1. Background of report To expand the practical knowledge by implementing theoretical knowledge through the internship program that would make a student to become a competitive with the outside world. That program not only increases the knowledge but also give the idea about organizational activities before entering into an organization. STATE University OF BANGLADESH is one of the reputed private university in Bangladesh, has designed the curriculum of BBA course such way that international graduates will be produced.After competing 120 credits, one student need to go for further 4 credit internship programs in a commercial organization. From this internship program students get the opportunity to learn facing the real business world. My faculty supervisor Kazi Atif Anwar, approved the topic and authorized me to prepare this report as part of the fulfillment of internship requirement. The report thus was titled as â€Å"Analysis of Consumer satisfaction ofApex Adelchi Footwear Ltd† 1. 2. Rationale of the study The business world is getting dynamic and competitive day by day.It is hard for an organization to run & even survive in a fast paced, growing and uncertain world if it cannot keep tracks with the go of business dynamism. Business plays and links important roles in developing the economy of a country. So, as a business graduate, I think I need to be attached with any organization to get a handy & versatile experience about the business world before starting our career. Internship is the arrangement, which makes a bridge between our academic knowledge and practical world to have an acquaintance with the real business world as well as to gear me up to lead the future competitive business.I have worked in the Marketing division of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited, head office, Gulshan-1, Dhaka. In this report, I will try to make an overall consumer analysis of AAFL. 1. 3 Objectives of the report: General Objectiv e: ? The primary objective of this report is to explore of consumer analysis of Apex Adelchi Footwear Ltd. Secondary Objective: ? To show an overview of the company(vision, mission, value, product offerings, associates companies) ? To present an overview of Department of Gallerie Apex. ? To present an overview of footwear industry, economic condition of Bangladesh & worldwide. 1. 4 Methodology:While conducting the report, sources were explored for primary information and data. But hardly any updated data could be found. In the absence of updated information or data dependence on secondary has been inevitable. However, wherever possibly primary data has been used. Data were also collected by interviewing the responsible officers and from some documents & statements printed by the Apex and the website of AAFL. There have been used some statistical tools (Microsoft Office Excel table) and graphical representation (Microsoft Office Excel chart) to find out different types of analytical results and interpretations. . 4. 1 Primary Data Collection: Primary data ? Practical desk work. ? Face to face conversation with the officers and clients. ? Face to face conversation with the consumer ? Data collection of own supervision. 1. 4. 2 Secondary Data Collection: Secondary Data ? Annual report of AAFL. ? Official files and folders. ? Working papers. ? Selected books. ? Published and unpublished documents. ? Website. 1. 5 Limitations of the Study: As I did my internship program in Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited & I worked in the Marketing Department so my report is fully based on the consumer satisfaction analysis of the company.But to prepare this report I faced little difficulties through I have also got some limitation which are: ? The first limitation is that I failed to sketch the complete picture of the Apex activities at the period of my internship programmed. So I tried my best to focus on what I have done and also tried to make it consistent with other part of the report. ? The second limitation is the lack of intellectual thought and analytical ability to make in a perfect one. I have to offset with quality due to time constraint, which apparently seems to be the most severe limitation. Sufficient records & publications as well as up to date information are not readily available. ? Another limitation of this report is that the company’s policy of not to disclose some data & information for obvious reason, which could be much more useful. 1. 6 Scope of the Study: The report commences with the analysis of the footwear industry, company in focus, presenting the mission & vision, the values & product, description of 8 associates companies, Market related issues are discussed in detail along with their results and possibilities.In this report consumer analysis has been discussed detailed as a result the management can take decisions regarding modifying their plans for give more facility for the consumer. [pic] CHAPTER TWO Company Analysis 2. 1. Historical Background Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited (AAFL) is a leading export-oriented leather footwear manufacturer in Bangladesh. It is the largest exporter of leather footwear from Bangladesh. Currently holding the second position, the company is also one of the fastest growing footwear companies in the local market.Despite the effects of global economic turmoil and scarcity of raw hide due to natural disasters, the company has performed well in the last couple of years. Bangladesh to major shoe retailers in Western Europe, North America and Japan. AAFL was incorporated on January 04, 1990. In the same year it went into commercial production with an installed capacity of 1000 pairs per day and 350 employees. Today the company is producing 15000 pairs of shoes per day, employing over 7,500 people in two factories. Apex Adelchi has quickly established itself as one of the most recognizable brands in the footwear market of Bangladesh.The exports by Apex Adelchi accounts for 4 5% of the total footwear exports from Bangladesh. With 6% of market share in local market, they are behind only to Bata Shoe, which holds 22% of market share. Because of their superior quality compared to that of Bata, Apex Adelchi’s products have given the local market a very good alternative to Bata. Although the company remains a predominantly export-oriented company, they have also taken the local market very seriously, which may prove to be decisive in the long run. AAFL Company has exported more than 3. million pairs of shoes to Europe, Japan and USA per annum. Their earning was more than 4,000 million euros from export. They have concentrated mainly on the export market. These export market comprises them more than 90% of their sales. They also have a growing local market for their products. Their local products were sold through a chain of retail shoe outlets in Bangladesh by the name of Gallerie Apex. Gallerie Apex has recently launched genuine Disney branded footwea r through its stores to cater to the kids segment.AAFL is committed to productivity and quality growth to attain its objective of being a leading footwear manufacturer of Asia through its mission of â€Å"Honest Growth†. 2. 2 Company Profile:  ¬ Name of the Company: Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited.  ¬ Date of Commencement of Business as Apex Footwear Limited: January 4 1990.  ¬ Name Change to Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited: December 27, 2006.  ¬ Type of Company: Public Limited Company BOARD OF DIRECTORS Syed Manzur Elahi :Chairman Syed Nasim Manzur :Managing Director Munize Manzur Khasru :DirectorSyed Gias Hussain :Director Niaz Ahmed Choudhury:Director Adelchi Sergio :Director Samson H. Chowdhury : Independent Director D. MANAGEMENT TEAM Syed Nasim Manzur :Managing Director Syed Gias Hussain :Deputy Managing Director & CFO Abdul Momen Bhuiyan: Executive Director A. A. Mosaddeque :Executive Director Dilip Kajuri :Financial Controller S. M. Shahjahan :Company Secretary Pr adip Kanti Saha :General Manager Atiqul Islam :General Manager (Leather) Syed Md. Mustaque :General Manager (Factory)Md. Mominul Ahsan :Head of Human Resources 2. 3Associates Companies: ? Apex Tannery Limited. ? Adelchi Footwear Bangladesh Limited. ? Apex Pharma Limited. ? Grey Advertising Bangladesh Limited. ? Quantum Marketing Research BD Limited. ? Mutual Trust Bank limited. ? Pioneer Insurance Company Limited. ? Gallerie Apex |[pic] | 2. 3. 1: Apex Tannery Limited A leading manufacturer and exporter of finished and crust leather from Bangladesh to major products manufacturers in China, Japan and Italy. (apexadelchi. om, 2010)The company has annual export revenues of USD 37 million in 2006-2007, comprising almost 15% of the total export earnings from leather of Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)ATL pioneered the export of value added crust and finished leather from Bangladesh and accessed capital markets for growth. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)ATL introduced the first convertible d ebenture in Bangladesh and has been publicly traded since 1986. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)ATL currently employs 955 persons, is professionally managed and is in full compliance Report under Section 2CC of the Securities & Exchange Commission Notification Order.ATL is also the first tannery in Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 1 Adelchi Footwear Bangladesh Limited. It is a leading manufacturer and exporter of leather footwear from Bangladesh to major shoe retailers in Western Europe, North America and Japan. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)The company has revenues of 444 crore taka in 2007. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)AAFL pioneered the export of value added finished products export in the leather sector of Bangladesh and is also involved in the local footwear retail business with the second largest shoe retail network in the country. apexadelchi. com, 2010)AAFL has equity, technical and marketing participation from La Nuova Adelchi one of the largest footwear manufacturers of Italy . (apexadelchi. com, 2010)Public listed and traded since 1993, AAFL is professionally managed, currently employs more than 6800 persons and is in full compliance with Corporate Governance Compliance Report under Section 2CC of the Securities Exchange Commission Notification Order. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic]2. 3. 3: Apex Pharma LimitedOne of the fastest growing, ISO 9001-2000 certified new generation pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution companies in Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)APL started its operation in 2002, currently employs 1300 persons and markets 126 dosage forms from its Saver plant. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)The company's growth in 2006 was 65% against industry growth of 6% according to IMS. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)The company is in the process of setting up a new state-of-art manufacturing plant which completed in 2009. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) pic]2. 3. 4: Grey Advertising Bangladesh Limited. The first joint venture international full service advertising agency to set up in Bangladesh, GABL is today the largest stand alone agency in Bangladesh with billings of USD 6 million in 2006. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)GABL is a market leader with a dynamic team of young and talented professionals and has won an unprecedented 4 years in a row (2003-2007) the Agency of the year Award, at the Srijan Samman Awards for all Bengali advertising work done in India and Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. om, 2010)In additional work done for its local as well as multinational corporate has won innumerable local and international Awards and accolades. GABL is a member of the Grey Group owned by WPP. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 5: Quantum Market Research BD Limited. Quantum Market Research Bangladesh Limited (QMRBL), a joint venture between Quantum Market Research Private Ltd of India and Apex Enterprises Ltd a Bangladeshi company, is the leading specialized qualitative market research agency in Bangladesh which provides research services to multinational and local manufacturers and service providers in and outside Bangladesh. apexadelchi. com, 2010)Its strong strategic link with its parent company Quantum Market Research Private Ltd, India (Operating in the South Asian and Asia-Pacific Region) has also facilitated effective and continuous knowledge transfer at a sub-continent, regional and global level. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)Besides market research, QMRBL also provides effective service in qualitative social & development research to a number of local organizations and development partners. (apexadelchi. om, 2010)Since its inception in June 2004, QMRBL has conducted 284 studies in the areas of consumer psyche, brand development, communication, human resources development, social and organizational development and production practices. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)QMRBL employs 14 expert researchers and 5 supporting staff as permanent employees along with 75 field staff who work on a contract-basis. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 6: Mutual Trust Bank Limited A Third Generation (License) Commercial Bank sponsored by Square, ACI and Apex which is the largest and most reputed businesses in Bangladesh. apexadelchi. com, 2010)MTBL today enjoys some of the highest credit ratings in the industry. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)Publicly listed, traded and professionally managed, MTBL is a market leader amongst financial institutions of Bangladesh and now this bank is very much renowned. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)This bank plays the most important role in the economy by collecting money from the individuals and lends them to others. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)Now bank’s offer the widest range of financial services and perform lot of financial functions.It has many branches all over the country. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 7: Pioneer Insurance Company Limited. PICL is a general insurance company offering a wide range of non-life insurance products to retail and corporate customers in Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)This company is sponsored by Square, ACI and Apex which is the largest and most reputed businesses in Bangladesh. (apexadelchi. com, 2010)PICL has established itself as one of the most respected players in the industry. apexadelchi. com, 2010)Publicly listed, traded and professionally managed, PICL enjoys 90th percentile rankings in a very crowded space of over 40 companies. (apexadelchi. com, 2010) [pic] 2. 3. 8 Gallerie Apex: Gallerie Apex is the local manufacturing and retail wing of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited (AAFL). While AAFL has predominantly earned both critical and commercial fame through export of high quality leather footwear in the international arena, Gallerie Apex has sought to adeptly make use of that xpertise to provide high quality, fashionable footwear to the Bangladeshi consumers. With over 140 own retail outlets and 150 authorized resellers, Gallerie Apex ensures nationwide coverage of its diverse range of footwear for its consumers. Through its eight in -house brands, namely Venturini, Apex Men’s, Sprint, Lotto, Moochie, Nino Rossi, Sandra Rosa, Revive and Twinkler, Gallerie Apex carries a huge selection of shoes and sandals, ensuring that each of our valued customer finds the footwear that is just right for them. Product category MEN |WOMEN |CHILDREN |OTHERS | |Casual shoe |Boot |Shoe |Shocks | |Dress shoe |Long boot |Sandel |Shoe care product | |Sendel | |School shoe |Hand purse | |Converse | | |Beg | | | | |Belt | [pic] 2. 4 Mission & vision VISION â€Å"Honest Growth† MISSION To ensure sustainable growth To be a vendor of choice for our customers To create value for our shareholders To be proactively compliant with global best practices & standards To be a responsible corporate citizen 2. 5 Values: ( Respect for people – Demonstrate respect by developing our people and helping them to achieve high performance standards. – Treat all people with dignity. ( Integrity – Honesty – Walk the t alk. Sense of Urgency – Strive for speed and simplicity in everything we do. ( Empowerment – Encourage and reward self-confidence and initiative – Require accountability 2. 6 Future: Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited has regained their focus on productivity and they have been forced to reassess their business model. (Apex annual report, 2009) They have made efficiency a byword, starting from wastage of materials to improving line wise productivity and this focus will remain. (Apex annual report, 2009) They have sought out and developed new and better sources of raw materials; they have identified new markets and segments where they have huge potential for growth. Apex annual report, 2009) They have also actively begun the process of reducing their financial expenses by exploring new innovative funding options. (Apex annual report, 2009) On the domestic front they are reinforcing their retail format with new formats in the wholesale space. (Apex annual report, 2009) They have launched several very large format stores which are generating good returns and also begun a phased renovation of older stores. (Apex annual report, 2009) They will continue to refresh and renew their product range to ensure that they deliver on their promise to maximize customer delight and choice. (Apex annual report, 2009) As the global markets emerge slowly, from recession they are ready to take full advantage of the new opportunities that emerge. Apex annual report, 2009) The power situation in Bangladesh has already reached crisis proportions and Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited averaged more than 7 hours of load shedding per day in March 2010. (Apex annual report, 2009) Adelchi Footwear Limited is equipped with sufficient diesel standby generators but they are not designed to run for such long hours at a stretch and the wear and tear and operating costs are very high. (Apex annual report, 2009) This is a serious threat to their ability to meet their production targets and operate their plant optimally and profitably. (Apex annual report, 2009) They must now actively explore immediate power solutions like switching to alternative energy sources such as HSFO based captive power generation. Apex annual report, 2009) The global shift towards green sourcing is a reality and it has already started in the footwear industry. (Apex annual report, 2009) Today their entire supply chain must be environmental sustainable and obviously the present tannery industry in Hazaribagh is unable to meet these standards. (Apex annual report, 2009) They must start to plan for an alternative production source of environmentally friendly finished leather from raw hides that can meet global standards. (Apex annual report, 2009) The global footwear market is forecasted to reach USD 272. 5 billion by 2013 and Europe is the single largest market accounting for 42. 3 percent of global value. Apex annual report, 2009) Bangladesh enjoys preferential access to this market, has a competitive and young labor force and is blessed with a domestic raw material advantage in terms of locally available hides and skins. (Apex annual report, 2009) Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited must now turn its focus on maximizing these strengths and ensuring that they are prepared to meet the new challenges of power supply, developing capability and offering shorter lead times to market. (Apex annual market as a forerunner in this industry in Bangladesh but they must now redouble their pace to maintain their leadership position and achieve their goal of global standards of excellence. (Apex annual report, 2009) 2. 7 Product:Since the beginning of the retailing business, in 1990, AAFL received a remarkable response from the local market which motivated the company to expand over the years. Today, the company offers the local consumers of Bangladesh a much wider range of products than before. Most of the products that are offered in the local market by AAFL are relatively different fr om the ones that are exported, especially in terms of design and material. The reason behind this is the different climate, culture and the demand of the consumers of local and foreign markets. For example, AAFL exports products like ladies boots which are not available in the local market because the boots do not complement with neither the clothes that most of the ladies wear nor the culture of the country.So, AAFL offers ladies open sandal to meet the demand of the local market which, on the other hand is not exported as it would not satisfy the taste of foreign consumers. Thus, the product development unit of AAFL is continuously working to develop products based on the needs and wants of the local consumers. In the local market AAFL is mainly known for men’s footwear and sandals but recently the company has extended the product range with ladies and kids products. The table above clearly shows that the emphasis is more on the of men’s products than the ladies and children products. However, recently AAFL launched genuine Disney branded footwear through the retail stores to furnish to the kids segment.Disney provided the license to AAFL to launch footwear for children designed with for instance the Disney characters like Pooh bear, Mickey Mouse, etc. According to men’s shoes, there are three products brand like Venturing, Apex and Sprint are common and ladies sandals; Sandra Rosa, Nino Rossi and Apex are common. Men’s shoes size starts from 39-44 and sandal size starts from 35-41. There have different row to display particular brand product like shoes, sandals, socks, kid’s sandals etc. Price of men’s shoes starts from 1250Tk-5500Tk, sandals 400Tk-1950Tk, ladies sandals 380Tk-2250Tk, comfort socks 150Tk-250Tk. Price of leather Goods is 600Tk. Components of Manufacturing Shoes: There are some components required for making a pair of shoes.These components assemble with each other step by step. The manufacturing proc edure depends on some components which need to make a pair of shoes. UPPER: Upper is the main part of shoes. This upper made by leather, synthetic, fabric, rubber. In upper side different components or parts of leather are combined by stitch this stitch is various types like lock stitch, chain stitch, jhik jhak stitch, heavy stitch and moccasin. LINIING: This is the inside part of upper, it can be also leather, synthetic, fabrics (depends on shoe design). SOCK: Sock is to comfort the inner part of shoes. It can be synthetic, foam. IN-SOLE: This in-sole placed at upper side of sole.It can be leather board, cellulose board, fiber board, Ethyl Vinyl Acetate (EVA). SOLE: It stands the lower part of shoes to adjust upper body. It can be rubber, leather board and wood, PU (Poly Uri thane), Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) and Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC). HILL: Hill is to balance the body of shoes and it can be rubber, wood. ADHESIVE: This is a gum which can use with sole to fit the upper side of shoes. There are different types of adhesives like: 2. 8 SWOT Analysis of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited: Strengths: AAFL has advanced machines and skilled manpower which make it possible to produce high quality footwear. As a SBU of Apex group, it also has good financial backup.As a partner company of Adelchi, Apex gets product designs from them which make it possible for them to follow Italian fashion trend. They have renowned brand image in the footwear market. Weakness: AAFL? s product price is comparatively high. On the other hand, their ladies and kids footwear brands are not that much strong. Furthermore, they have to depend on foreign suppliers for raw materials and design support. Opportunities: The quality of the leather available in Bangladesh is really very good. Furthermore, here labor cost is low which makes it possible to produce the products more cheaply. On the other hand, young generation is now more fashion oriented and brand conscious.Threats: Consumers are now m ore prices sensitive day by day. Furthermore, most of the raw materials are not locally available. Beside this, leather price is increasing day by day due to high demand. Production is also hampering due to electricity crisis CHAPTER THREE Departments of Gallerie Apex 3. 1 Operating functions of Gallerie Apex: Operating functions of Gallerie Apex (GAPX) is more effective according to the vision of this company. Whole process of GAPX operates a functional team on the demand of whole marketing process. These departments are shown as below: ? Human Resource Division. ? Product Development. ? Marketing Department. ? Sales Department. MIS Department. ? Merchandising Department. ? Supply Chain Department. ? Accounts Section. 3. 2Human Resource Division: This division always monitors the facilities of employees and to check problems. There are some activities that HR department also do for the employees of Gallerie Apex like: ( Human Resource Planning ( Recruitment and selection ( Compensa tion and Benefit ( Accommodation ( Health and safety ( Employee and worker relation ( Training and development ( Motivation ( Maintenance Every manager and employees of every company wants a healthy and safe work environment. This environment is one of the more challenging areas for HR department.This department of Gallerie Apex provides maximum safety and healthy environment under their activities. 3. 3 Product Development and Market Consultant: This product development team starts a new merchandising wing of Gallerie Apex. This section called Design Studio. This is the new innovation of product development, creates new design of shoes for new generation and analyzes the market in a short time. In design studio the swing machine is for the upper stretching of leather & scaling machine makes the leather thin. Leather quality is very good & it imports from Pakistan, Italy & Apex own tannery. (Through this studio the research can done very frequently & positive way.Behind this activit y design studio operates some other works for Gallerie Apex like: ( Design & Technical Support ( To standardize the component of product ( Try to decrease the price of product ( Market Trend Analysis ( Find out the competitors ( Short Time research ( To collect the best quality shoe component ( To check the quality of finished goods ( Delivering 3. 4 Sales Department: Always keeps monitoring the sale condition of all galleries. Assistant General Manager (AGM)-Sales and Manager-Sales always monitor the new suitable market place which can be profitable business for Gallerie Apex. Under this sales department there have strong monitoring team called ASE (Area Sales Executive).They are working at zonal basis like Dhaka North,Dhaka Central, Dhaka South, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi and Khulna 3. 5 Management and Information: It is a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store and distribute information to support decision making A computer information system based on 6 com ponents such as, ( Hardware ( Software ( Data/ Information ( Procedure ( Communication ( People There have some role of MIS which is necessary for all business and this department of Gallerie Apex also works in this point; ( Improved communication system ( Data management and faster decision making ( Online data access ( Systematic management and information MIS department of Gallerie Apex is much established according to their job work.This department collects sale report on entire galleries and input the database which should be daily, weekly and monthly basis. This department input the data of daily sale information like, ( Actual sale amount ( Number of sold pair goods. ( Sold pair of shoes 3. 6Marketing Department: According to marketing concept, this department of Gallerie Apex holds the key to achieve its organizational goal consists of the company being more effective than other competitors in skill, delivering and communicating superior customer value to its chosen target m arket. Marketing department evaluate the present footwear market condition. ) Marketing team also research how Apex brand can be established through utilize 4Ps concept in the market. Gallerie Apex has a reputation in market place, so marketing department should take some initial steps for the modification or more development of this present image. There are some works that marketing department always do; 1. Training and Development- Training for store manager, for sales man, for Area Sales Executive (ASE). 2. Merchandise Analysis- Marketing department analyzes the merchandise procedure. Marketing department also checks the market demand of some selected articles, monitors the sale review, checks the best sale of product, which article should be more running. 3. Merchandise Action- Is there any problem come to mind about in store merchandising, then marketing department takes initiative of that step. 4.Market Research- Marketing Department also works about the research of footwear m arket. If there any scopes that can be applied for the development of product and market, this department also investigate that. Brand Development, a brand is an art of corner store of marketing It is a name, term, sign and symbol or combination of them intended to identify the goods or services of one seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Marketing department also works to enlarge this brand. Corporate Branding, This marketing department of Gallerie Apex also works about corporate branding policy. Here some activities that has plan of this department is like; ( Vehicle Branding ( Hording sign Social Events ( Corporate Branding umbrella ( Shoe related fashion show ( Advertising In order for publicity of any particular sales promotion or any new seasonal offer, marketing department of Gallerie Apex uses some advertising media. (Abrour) These are as follows, ( TVC ( RDC ( Press Ad 3. 7 Functions & Responsibilities of supply chain: Supply chain department distribu tes product in whole galleries all over the country. After issuing the purchase order & manufacturing of product, supply chain work begins. First product goes to Central Distribution Centre (CDC) with bills, delivery Chelan & VAT paper. Product comes from factory, source and import.At CDC they check the products quality, box, article no, with Quality Control report and after that official formalities they receive product. The invoice will be 2-copies at the time of receiving goods from Shafipur Shoe Limited (factory). ( 1copy will go on Supply Chain Department ( 1copy will go on Merchandising Department At the time of supply from CDC to galleries, they make 3 copies of invoice. ( 1 copy for Supply Chain Department ( 1 copy for Management Information System Department ( 1 copy for Gallerie At the period of outsource suppliers, they also provide 4 copies of supply invoice. This copy goes to four particular sections like; ( Merchandising department Supply chain department ( Accounts de partment and ( CDC record At the time of Bill submission, they attach supply invoice (Chelan). Supply Chain Department has some responsibilities also. They have to consider what kind of product will go which galleries. It depends on volume of sale, customer category & position of market & sales Sometimes they have to check the sale condition of galleries and also stock of shoes. According to distribution of goods they apply transport facilities or rent car or curia service. In fact CDC has own car but it can use only for Dhaka North zone, Dhaka central zone and Dhaka South Zone. 3. 8 Merchandising Procurement Procedure:According to this procedure, there are two basic sources of production can provide the finished products; ( Shafipur Shoe Limited (own factory) ( Supply sources The Shafipur Shoe Limited is the main factory of Gallerie Apex. It produces goods according to given requirement. The components like upper, insole and outsole has collected from Shiva Footwear Ltd. Design stu dio of Gallerie Apex produces only sandals with limited quantity. Gallerie Apex has some supply sources which make goods. These sources make goods according to given design or requirements of Gallerie Apex. Basically these supply sources make deed between Gallerie Apex and their factories that, sole & other component they will provide and they make complete shoes.In the term of payment bill, they adjust their cost with total amount. Some names of supply sources are given below: †¢ Hanif Shoes †¢ Century Shoes †¢ Popy Shoes †¢ Moochie Shoes †¢ Coaster Footwear †¢ Herald Shoes †¢ Classic Footwear †¢ Ryan Shoe †¢ Crown Leather †¢ Keya Sandal †¢ Home Land †¢ Nashanan Trade †¢ FN Enterprise †¢ Prestige Bengal †¢ King Ston †¢ Bright Shine †¢ Mayhem †¢ Comfort Socks 3. 9 In-Process Quality Control: The quality control process of Gallerie Apex is very much effective. To check the quality of finished go ods it has a specification sheet to know the total information about finished product. This sheet has the serial number, color, material of goods & price.At 5th level of Gallerie Apex, Quality Control room is worked by the Quality Control officer of Design studio. The system is to check the 20% of product in a lot. 3. 10 Producer & practice of product pricing: At the time of selecting price of product it should be careful that, gross margin must be minimum 40 %. )Buying price will always be fixed. In terms of adding VAT, amount will be 15%. To analyze the total cost sheet some necessary work has to be done. These are: Article no: Color Cost of materials Value Added Tax (VAT) Total cost (unit based) Retail price Profit margin (TK) †¢ Profit margin (%) †¢ Quantity order †¢ Total cost †¢ Total VAT (amount) †¢ Total cost value (amount) †¢ Total retail value Total margin (TK) After calculating VAT on retail price of product, total cost (unit based) can add. Profit margin is based on amount of retail price. Cost of material, information comes from own factory Shafipur Shoe Limited. There are two types of cost should be considered; own cost & supply cost. According to supply cost there can be made another cost sheet include all cost of supply source. In order to make a price of product all department head discuss about design, durability, looks of product, customer’s choice & finally they fixed the price of product. Executive director is the head of this team. 3. 11 Basic Ideas on Store Display of Gallerie Apex:Gallerie Apex always plays a different style to attract the potential customer. Visual Merchandising is very important part in store to attract the customer Store Display gives an idea about the product feature such as variety, quality and size, color, design and trends. This display reminds the customers about their need and they attract to buy this product. It is an act of putting things for view or on view. I visited som e galleries to take this display idea and I found some rules of display. This display can be dividing into 2 types. They are: ( Interior Display ( Exterior Display Before a customer enters the store, the store must send a message that, store must be well decorated, clean and full of lighting.The display products are being neat & clean. There is some display rules that I have noticed from galleries is that; ( Have to show the outside of shoes ( Angle at 0degree & 90 degrees (same style) ( Group shoes consistently with a space between groups ( Display shoes should keep in small size like 38/40. ( The display light should be top on display article According to Branding, there are generally 5 brands are common on Gallerie Apex. [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] There are some rules about Brand Differentiation: ( Each Brand should be displayed separately ( Never should mix Venturini with Apex ( Never should mix Nino Rossi with Sandra Rosa Always keep the different Brand in a selected place A ccording to ladies footwear, always have to display the flats on the bottom shelf & high heels on the top shelf. It will be better not display the Sandra Rosa with Nino Rossi. According to new arrival, new article should display on the right side after entrance with new arrival tag. In that part ladies and men’s article can display separately. A. Brand for men footwear; some common brand of Gallerie Apex. ( Venturini- Exclusive dress shoes targeted for upper middle segment. ( Apex- Leather footwear is for middle/ upper middle segment. ( Sprint- Sporty casual targeted for middle/upper middle segment. B.Brand for women footwear; Gallerie Apex has also some ladies brand. ( Nino Rossi- Evening wears for middle/upper middle segment. ( Moochie- Designer collects for middle/upper segment. ( Sandra Rosa- Colorful for middle/ upper middle segment. C. Brand for kids; Gallerie Apex has also some kids Items, (Apex- Under this brand some kid’s article is common. ( Disney-This is th e ongoing brand. ( Twinkler – This brand is totally new for Gallerie Apex which is going. CHAPTER FOUR Industry Analysis 4. 1 Bangladesh Footwear Industry analysis: Export promotion bureau statistics show that footwear exports had 20 percent market rises during 2009July- 10 March fiscal year. (reportlinker. om, 2010) The country fetched 144. 69 million dollar from export of the item in nine months a sharp rise from 131. 52 million dollar in the July -March period. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Nowadays many countries like China and India are failing to produce high quality but low-cost leather items due to the WTO anti dumping rules. (reportlinker. com, 2010) So orders from Germany, Italy, France, Japan and Canada are shifting to the local manufactures. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Crushed leather is the main raw material for locally produced. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Earlier China, India and Vietnam are the largest shoe exporters in the world. (reportlinker. om, 2010) The demand f or fashionable and high end leather shoes has decline in international markets because of the recession. (reportlinker. com, 2010) But it has also given rise to an opportunity for the county to produce shoes that are ordinary but essential. (reportlinker. com, 2010) The county started exporting leather footwear in 1994 on small scale to neighboring countries including India and Nepal. (reportlinker. com, 2010) The footwear business grew in recent years. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Currently the total market size of Bangladesh made leather footwear stands at tk1700 corer of which about 45 percent is exported. (reportlinker. om, 2010) The country exports around six million pairs of leather footwear a year. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited is the country’s leading footwear exporter claiming more than half of the total exports. (reportlinker. com, August 2010)The company earned taka 450 core last year. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Bangladesh mainly exports menâ €™s footwear, lady’s sandals and sports shoes to European nations China, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, India and Nepal. (reportlinker. com, 2010) Mr. Syed Nasim Manzur, managing director of Apex Adelchi Footwear Ltd, said â€Å"the recession has taken a toll on the demand for luxury fashion accessories. Apex annual report, 2009) The additional fall out of the global financial crisis on AAFL has been the adverse impact on the Euro & as the majority of our revenues are in Euros, the continued slide of the Euro and the reflection in the Taka versus Euro conversion rate has severely affected our taka revenues as seen above. (Apex annual report, 2009) The Bangladesh Taka has remained unchanged against the US$ in 2009 where the currencies of our competitor nations such as the Indian Rupee & Pakistan Rupee have been devalued repeatedly in 2009 in order to boost their export competitiveness. (Apex annual report, 2009) Despite many pleas from exporters in Bangladesh, the go vernment of Bangladesh has not adjusted the Taka against the USD. Apex annual report, 2009 Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited started its business in December 27, 2006 in Bangladesh. AAFL has equity, technical and marketing participation from La Nuova Adelchi one of the largest footwear manufacturers of Italy. Since then there was demand for the products in the local markets. But the problem was the local market was too small to support their required profitability. On the other hand, they found a worldwide growth opportunity in the developed countries. It inspired them to set up their system in Western Europe, North America and Japan. Later on they also move towards the developing nations. They started focusing the country needs.Therefore, gradually they were becoming one of the second market leaders. They had total 280545 sq. ft factory area. The producing capacity of 15,000 pairs complete shoes per day. They came up with a wide range of products for different markets. They had large n umber of employees and 70% of their workers are female. Ultimately, the small market in the home country and the huge growth opportunity was the crucial force to move towards the international market. Hence, these are the IHRM variable for them which can be regarded as the structural factor. 4. 2 Production Facilities  ¦ Cutting Department Covered Area 25,000 sft. Cutting Machines 104 no. s Cutting Capacity 15,000 Prs/dayCutting Manpower 494+16 Persons  ¦ Sewing Department Covered Area 78,000 sft. Sewing Line 16 lines x 2 shift Sewing Capacity 15,000 Prs/day Sewing Manpower 2550 +60 Persons  ¦ Lasting Department Covered Area 46,000 sft. Lasting Line 8 lines x 2 shift Lasting Capacity 15,000 Prs/day Lasting Manpower 1100+25Persons [pic] Component Department Covered Area 27,760 sft. Outsole workstation 42 nos Production Capacity 12,000 Prs/day Outsole Manpower 250+3 Persons Insole Prod. Capacity 15,000 Prs/day Insole Manpower 93+3  ¦ Packing Department Covered Area 21,000 sft. Manpower 37+7 Persons 4. 3. Summary of factory area Factory Area | |SL |Section/Building |Area in SFT. | |01 |Cutting |25000 | |02 |Sewing |78000 | |03 |Lasting |46000 | |04 |Component |27000 | |05 |Packing |21000 | |06 |Store |32000 |07 |Leather Store |15000 | |Sub-Total |244000 | |08 |Office |14300 | |09 |Staff Centre |8000 | |10 |Worker Canteen |8500 | |11 |Engineering workshop & Sub-station |5745 | |Sub-Total |36545 | |Total |280545 | CHAPTER FIVE Job Description 5. 1 Nature of the job: That My internship commenced on the date of my joining which was on February 01, 2011. My posting was at their Register Office, House # 6, Road # 137, Dhaka-1212. I have worked in the Marketing division of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited. During my internship period, I had been giving my work report to Yashna chowdhury (Brand Manager of Marketing) everyday I did. 5. 2 Specific responsibilities of the job: During my internship period, my responsibility was to record the daily survey data an other responsibility was to what the customer wants.I had to record it in the survey sheet 5. 3 Different aspects of job performance: During my internship period, my responsibility was to record the daily survey data another responsibility was to what the customer wants. I had to record it in the survey sheet. I worked this type of activities in marketing department because at the beginning in entry level position every officer does this type of activities. At first senior manager of marketing department checks the level/ability of every officer by giving this type of activities. When they perform well, they get another responsibility. 5. 4 Observations: At the period of my internship in Gallerie Apex, I visited some galleries.Gallerie Farmgate is one of them. It denotes the whole activities that have to be done in each store of the Gallerie Apex. These are about; ( Product Knowledge ( Sales Conduct ( POS (Point of Sale) ( Process of sales communication ( Procedure of Goods receivin g/Dispatch ( Cash Memo ( Sales Report (Daily) ( Sales Report (Weekly) ( Sales Report (monthly) ( Accounting ( Store Billing ( After Sales Service ( Visual Merchandising Farmgate Gulshan is „A? category shop of Gallerie Apex. Total space is 1800sft and 6 employees are working there. Customer response is very much positive. This gallerie has verities collection of shoes for men and ladies.According to Men’s shoes, there are three products brand like Venturini, Apex and Sprint are common and Ladies sandals; Sandra Rosa, Nino Rossi and Apex are common. Men’s shoes size starts from 39-44 and sandal size starts from 35-41. There have different row to display particular brand product like shoes, sandals, socks, kid’s sandals etc. Price of Men’s shoes starts from 1250Tk-5500Tk, sandals 400Tk-1950Tk, and Ladies sandals 380Tk-2250Tk, Comfort socks 150Tk-250Tk. Price of Leather Goods is 600Tk. Point of Sale (POS) is some information? s about selling goods that have to fill by manager at selling period. These are; 1. Article code 7. Quantity 2. Name 8. Balance 3. Color 9. Unit price 4.Size 10. Discount% 5. Pair 11. Total Discount amount 6. Price I observed the sales communication between customer and sales person. How a sales person help a customer for purchasing a pair of shoes. A sales person gives information very politely about selected products feature, leather quality, durability and components of manufacturing. CHAPTER SIX CONSUMER ANALYSIS 6. 1 Customer satisfaction The Customers are in the mainstream of sales oriented services. The success of such companies largely depends on the satisfaction of the customers . The buyers are happy if the product and/or the services meet their expectations.If their requirements do not meet the expectations the buyers become discontented, they are delighted when the performance fulfils their requirements Customers’ past buying experiences, the opinion of friends, associates, marketer, compe titor information and promises lead to the expectations. Marketer must be careful to set the right level of expectations. If they set expectations too low, they may satisfy those who buy but fail to attract enough buyers. In contrast, if they raise expectations too high, buyers are likely to be disappointed. Dissatisfaction can arise either from a decrease in product and service quality or from an increase in customer expectations. In either case, it presents an opportunity for companies that can deliver superior customer value and satisfaction To? ay most successful companies have taken the strategy of are raising expectations and delivering performance to match. Such companies track their customers’ expectations, perceived company performance, and customer satisfaction. Highly satisfied customers produce several benefits for the company. Satisfied customers are fewer prices sensitive remain customers for a longer period and talk favorably to others about the company and its products and services Although the customer centered firm seeks to deliver high customer satisfaction relative to its competitors, it does not attempt to maximize customer satisfaction. A company can always increase customer satisfaction by lowering its price and increasing its services, but it may result in lower profits.Thus, the purpose of marketing is to generate customer value profitably Now, we have a very good idea regarding the importance of customer satisfaction. So, it is also important for the company to know about the satisfaction level of the customers. When any problem is identified, it becomes easier to solve the problem. The next part of this paper         has focused on the â€Å"Customer Satisfaction Factors of. It is done through a research survey to find out the customer satisfaction level of Gallarie Apex Customer Satisfaction Factors of Gallarie Apex: Gallerie Apex is the local manufacturing and retail wing of Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited (AAFL).While AAFL has predominantly earned both critical and commercial fame through export of high quality leather footwear in the international arena, Gallerie Apex has sought to adeptly make use of that expertise to provide high quality, fashionable footwear to the Bangladeshi consumers. 6. 2 Survey Findings: In order to measure the satisfaction of the customers a series of questions were asked to the customers with the help of a questionnaire, the data from these questions are tabulated below. For clear understanding, the overall satisfaction has been divided into satisfaction with the product and satisfaction with the after sales service. As already mentioned, the survey was conducted among nine hundred consumers; it was conducted in three way direct appointment, over telephone and with the help of email.I asked total twenty three closed end question to nine hundred consumers;. In the basis of strongly agree to strongly disagree. From the total point and average point I divided in to three categories  consumers; of satisfied subscribers, and moderate subscribers and not satisfied subscribers. From the table we see that in some area from question 1 to 11 consumers are satisfied and in some area consumers are not satisfied also there are some areas where subscribers are moderate. In below I discuss all the questions finding elaborately 6. 2. 1 SECTION A Q. 1 Here the question about the gender |Male |Female | | 224 |96 | 70%male &30% female are response Q. 2. Here is a question about age. Under 18 |18-24 |25-34 |35-44 |45-54 |55-64 |Above 65 | |6% |25% |40% |22% |6% |1% |4% | [pic] I have found 40% customer age between 25-34. Q,3 Monthly Household Income Range |Less than |20000-35000 |35000-45000 |45000-60000 |60000-75000 |75000-100000 |Above | |20000 | | | | | |100000 | |9% |23% |21% |31% |8% |3% |5% | [pic] Here is 31% customer monthly income 45000-60000. Majority of them are service holder. 6. 2. 2 SECTION B Q1 Name 3 Footwear Companies | | | |Apex | | | |Bata | | | |Others | | | | | | | |34% | | | |63% | | | |15% | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |It means that 34% respondent first choice is apex. t means customer are not properly satisfied | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Q2.Shoes purchased respondents in last three month | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |From Apex | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |others | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |52% | | | | | | | | |48% | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |In this graph show that 52% customer purchased shoe from apex at last three month. o apex has better position | | | | | | | | |Than other. | | | | | | | | Q3 Price vs. Quality of APEX Fair |Expensive |Don’t know | |38% |58% |3% | [pic] In this table sho w that 58% customer say that price of galarie apex is expensive shoe they can look after their price Q 4. Price vs. quality of other store |Fair |Expensive |Low |Don’t know | |51% |39% |6% |4% | [pic] There are 51% consumer say ocher store price are fair than apex. Q5 Purchase shoes over the internet |Yes |No | 29% |71% | [pic] 71% Consumer are not interested to porches product from internet. they say that this types of product they like to by from shop. 6. 2. 3 SECTION C Q 1. Other items willing to purchase beside shoe |Shocks |Wallet |Hand purse |Beg |Belt |Shoe care |Other |Nothing else | |39% |3% |6% |11% |11% |9% |11% |16% | [pic] There are 39% consumer like purchase shocks beside shoe. some other like to buy shoe care, hand purse, belt & other, Q2. What apex does best Price |Fashion |Quality |Customer service |Range of shoe | |36% |13% |35%